[postgis-devel] Dijikstra

Stephen Mather mather.stephen at gmail.com
Fri Mar 29 16:18:50 PDT 2013

Hi All,
       Assuming I spelled that right... working on wrapping my brain around
adding Dijikstra to PostGIS, which is a largely pleasant way to ride Amtrak
back.  I had hoped to find something useful in pgRouting as a starting
point, but it looks to my novice eyes like Dijikstra is dependent on Boost,
so no dice there.
       Anyway, in going down this thread, I've started studying

Hopefully updated these lines correctly:

"New functions submitted will have to go into the next minor release which
is currently (PostGIS 2.0.4).

New functions/features that require on disk structural changes will go into
next major release (PostGIS 2.1)"

Anyway, to the topic at hand: regarding function development for a noob--
as a starting place, is it more important for me to get a bit of
functioning code that works on a static dataset, and then figure out how to
patch that into using liblwgeom etc., or better to understand how to write
the function from the ground up in the PostGIS way?

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