[postgis-devel] [postgis-users] PostGIS 3.3.0 rc1 in about a week

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Mon Aug 1 08:27:49 PDT 2022

"Regina Obe" <lr at pcorp.us> writes:

>>   share/postgresql/extension/postgis--unpackaged.sql
>>   share/postgresql/extension/postgis_raster--unpackaged.sql
>>   share/postgresql/extension/postgis_topology--unpackaged.sql
> It's not a bug.

ok, fine with me.  The benefits of the packing lists are:
  - ensure repeatable builds on various OS and with various sets of
    installed things
  - be able to check that upstream changes are intended

More than 90% of the time I ask, it's intended.  But not always.

> postgis_tiger_geocoder and address_standardizer are not built using the
> utility scripts, so they don't follow the other extensions model completely.
> Those unpackaged versions are built by the utility scripts.  I would rather
> postgis_tiger_geocoder and address_standardizer not have those scripts.
> Those were mostly useful for unraveling postgis and postgis_raster (when
> jumping from < 3.0) from each other as I recall.  Most people should just be
> using extensions, so there is no need for these.  If they per chance were
> using the sql files, they can always convert by dropping the tiger schema
> entirely and the tiger_data schema.  It's a lot of data, but those have to
> be reloaded every year to stay current anyway.

I see, and that's ok.  Maybe sunset pre-3.0 support?  But I suspect
there's a long tail of not-ugpraded systems.

> I notice postgis_sfcgal and address_standardizer are completely missing from
> your list.  I assume you don't package those?

Correct, I don't.  There is something about standardizer that is
required that I'm not sure about, and I force it off so that I get
repeatable builds (specifically, my system vs a system where *only* the
packages that are declared as dependencies are installed).  I should
look at this again; the ball is in my court for sure.

I'm also not sure about sfcgal.  I may have to package that first.
Again ball in my court.
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