[postgis-devel] autoconf versions

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Wed Jan 5 12:59:34 PST 2022

Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca> writes:

>>> What version do you propose as the new minimum?
>> Are you talking about libtoolize or autoconf or what else ?
> Whatever it takes to quiet the warnings? I'm not planning on using any
> new features, but rather whatever new features are required to replace
> the old deprecated ones.

I guess when you know what the proposal is for min versions, we can see
what people think.

It's always a question how accomodating to be to people that choose to
run old software on purpose and then want to build recent postgis,
without first building recent other things.

Personally, anything older than the versions that existed on 2018-01-01
is old enough that I think it's fair to desupport.  Maybe that's
aggressive, but versions older than  what existed on 2016-01-01 seem
unreasonably old.

Looking at autoconf releases, we should support 2.69, released in
2012-04 and current until 2020-12, and I see zero point in supporting
anything older.  Even the CentOS people will be ok with that, I think.

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