[postgis-devel] ST_GeomFromMARC21 / ST_AsMARC21

Jim Jones jim.jones at uni-muenster.de
Fri Jan 21 15:25:45 PST 2022

>Is there any other independent users of this format?

Every major library management system uses MARC in one way or another.
One could see MARC as the shapefile of libraries ;) The geo data are
mostly related to the cataloguing of modern / historical maps, atlases
and places related to published manuscripts. But you're right, the
format is rather known only among librarians.

If the functions would somehow add any value to the project, I could
prepare a pull request. I would, of course, be willing to maintain the


Am 21.01.22 um 22:04 schrieb Paul Ramsey:
> Having perused the files, they seem like decent enough code. My main
> concern is that this format might be so niche as to be not worth
> carrying the functions (flip side, the functions are so simple that
> the cost of maintaining them is very low (flip flip side, input/output
> functions are the most common place for DOS/crash errors to show up)).
> Is there any other independent users of this format?
> P
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 7:57 AM Jim Jones <jim.jones at uni-muenster.de> wrote:
>> Dear PostGIS developers,
>> Some time ago I wrote two tiny PostGIS related C functions for the
>> database of our university library. They basically create geometries
>> from MARC21/XML* records (ST_GeomFromMARC21[1]) and serialize geometries
>> as MARC21/XML records (ST_AsMARC1[2]), and they work pretty well for us :)
>> * MARC21 is a pretty old library standard to encode bibliographic data,
>> which often contain geographic information. The standard is maintained
>> by the Library of Congress (US).
>> I'm now wondering if these functions could be added to the PostGIS repo
>> (I would happily create a pull request), or if I should keep using it
>> locally in our cluster (or even the unpleasant alternative of creating
>> my own extension). In other words, before I take the trouble of making
>> the code/documentation "submission ready" I would like to hear your
>> thoughts. Would the PostGIS repo be the right place for these features?
>> Best,
>> Jim
>> 1-
>> https://github.com/jimjonesbr/postgis/blob/b12eee02ac9842f4858057208e1c6980087999a7/postgis/lwgeom_in_marc21.c
>> 2-
>> https://github.com/jimjonesbr/postgis/blob/b12eee02ac9842f4858057208e1c6980087999a7/postgis/lwgeom_out_marc21.c
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