[postgis-devel] How about a 3.3.4 release, for topology improvements ?

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Thu Jul 6 09:24:10 PDT 2023

There's a serious topology bug fixed in the 3.3 branch which didn't
make it into 3.3.3, plus a few more:

  * Bug Fixes and Enhancements *
    - #5395, [postgis_topology] Allow unprivileged user dump
             of database with topology enabled
    - #5394, [postgis_topology] Improve robustness of finding
             distinct vertices in topology edges (Sandro Santilli)
    - #5403, [postgis_topology] Fix ValidateTopology(bbox) without
             topology in search_path (Sandro Santilli)
    - #5410, [postgis_raster] ST_Value bilinear resample,
             don't throw an error if Band has no NODATA value
             (Regina Obe)
    - #5385, Postgres malloc assertion fail when
             using pg_cancel_backend with ST_AsMVT
             (Regina Obe, Paul Ramsey)

  * Breaking Changes *
      - #5385, Take out interruptability of ST_AsMVT
               as it causes backend crash under intense conditions
              (Regina Obe, Paul Ramsey)

Trac is 1 ticket left 3.3.4:


  - #5408   regression failure on tiger geocoder pagc_normalize_address

Are you ok with pushing that forward and cutting a 3.3.4 releease ?
I can do it, if you're ok with it. Note that #5395 was a regression
introduced in 3.3.3 (not present in 3.3.2).


  Libre GIS consultant/developer

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