[postgis-users] Database restore fails with missing liblwgeom

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Tue Oct 19 17:17:25 PDT 2010


The liblwgeom.so was renamed in postgis 1.4 to postgis-1.4... So,
postgis-1.5... So

The easiest way to restore your data is to 

1) Create a new database
2) install PostGIS 1.5  (the install files should bie in
3) Then restore your data on top
4) You'll should then get errors that the functions already exist and they
will be skipped.  You may get some errors too about the liblwgeom, but those
you can ignore (unless you are using them)
 since they represent functions long ago deprecated that got taken out of



-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Lee
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:15 PM
To: postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
Subject: [postgis-users] Database restore fails with missing liblwgeom

Restoring a pg_dumpall backup from a Postgres 8.1.3 + Postgis 1.1.4 server
on a Postgres 9 + Postgis 1.5.2 server fails with

could not access file "$libdir/liblwgeom.so.1.1": No such file or directory

Postgis compiled/installed fine, and make check passed all tests.  
There are no files like liblwgeom.so anywhere on the server, just
liblwgeom.a and liblwgeom.h in /usr/local/src/postgis-1.5.2/liblwgeom/.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.


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